Prayers For Rod and Julie

by Jennifer S
(Butler Pa)

I just recently got a phone call, it seems our very good friends Rod and Julie are facing some bad news. Rod is very sick, and has been hospitalized. The information is very cryptic. I only know that they believe that it is his heart. I also understand that he has been told he will never be able to drive a truck again.

Please Keep them in your prayers, and I will keep you all updated on his status.

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Sep 20, 2009
an update on Rodney
by: Anonymous

just wanted to give a quick update on Rodney.....he is doing ok....he decided it was in his best interest to go back on the road, so he can support his family as he should, but however he is trying to live healthy and take better care of himself...he knows he is living day to day....but that's all we can do right!?

well not much to tell....i will post if anything changes but hopefully he will be ok for along while..........thanks later JULIE

Aug 12, 2009
by: Jennifer S

Hey girl,

I cried as I read your post, I do not know how to relay my feelings, outside of I love you guys, and I will pray daily for him. Keep your chin up girlfriend. I know that it is easier said than done, and know that we do care


Aug 11, 2009
Thanks for that post
by: Julie

I am Julie Rods wife and Jen thank you for posting the info about is nice to know that there are people out there who care.
Ok Rod was released from the hospital today

(Tuesday)....he was told by the doc that if he keeps driving that he wouldn't last long....Rod has a very severe case of asthma and all but 20% of his lungs are covered with emphysema....he was literally told he has lungs of like an 80 yr old.....Rodney under went several tests and has a weak heart.....he cant hardly move around as in walking or anything with out being short of he has to totally change his lifestyle....this is gonna be the hard part...Rod has drove truck for like 15 yrs or so....and now since he was the only one looks as if i am gonna have to try hard to find a job....Rod has medicine that he will have to be on the rest of his all i can say now is that i will help him in anyway and enjoy my time with him...cuz as i was told i will never know how long he will be honestly i will pray for him everyday......but i just wanted to say thank you for thinking about us....i will post blogs on occasion to let everyone know how things are doing.....Bless you all

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