Positive random bac while being off duty.

I was hit with a random alcohol test 2012 testing positive turning in paper work while being off duty. Company didnt fire me made me go through sap program ect.. Now I'm trying to move to another companies but the positive test is affecting me getting hired. What do I do?

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Aug 08, 2015
you messed up NEW
by: Jimmy

You don"t have to do a random while Off duty. Jimmy

Aug 04, 2015
Once positive... NEW
by: Anonymous

If you weren't fired and the trucking company thought you were worth helping through a drug and alcohol program why are you wanting to leave? You can't answer that for me but if I were you, I'd stay with the company, don't drop them until you have something else, a firm offer with another company. It's not fun working somewhere you don't like, or if you don't make the money other truckers are making at other companies but you do have a job. Probably not what you want to hear but I do have a suggestion besides what I suggested above: research the hiring practices of many trucking companies, large, medium, small and individual owner operators. The internet is a great source for research like that, or network with some truckers that you know or meet and ask some questions. It is not a hopeless situation, you can find something but it will take time and work just finding work. It's paying the consequences for your mistakes. I hope you can learn from them and find the job that you will like and appreciate more.

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