Paraphernalia charge, should I take it to court?

I was in the vehicle with my buddy during a snow storm and we were having a little fun sliding back and fourth and ended up getting stuck in the snowbank on the side of the road.

A cop pulled up and as i was looking for the insurance i had my little empty pill bottle that i stored weed in and a little grit onei. ended up with a 152.092 possession of Drug Paraphernalia charge. i'm in Minnesota and going to school for electrical line work.

Should i be worried about a job and getting my CDL?

Should i take it to court?

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Dec 05, 2013
Getting a job NEW
by: Hervy

If you are going to be driving with a CDL it would affect the number of companies that would hire you.

I don't know anything about the electrical line work.

As far as should you get a lawyer... my advice is to talk to several lawyers and get some feedback.

Also, this page has links to where you can do your own case law research

copy it and paste it in a window

Might consider stop smoking, it's destroying a lot of people's futures because it is still illegal and until you have plenty of money put aside AND don't need to work, eventually one way or another it will likely create issues for you.

All you have to do is look around at what people are dealing with. Well look at what you are dealing with right now. Just my two cents of course.

Good luck,

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