Ohio Driver looking for dedicated coast to coast reefer work.

by Dave (Wildcat)
(Cuyahoga Falls, Oh.)

Experienced CDL Driver, 26 years, over 2.5 million miles, safe professional driver. Reefer work with produce back hauls is my passion and favorite line of trucking.

My company went out of business in Hubbard, Oh. in Nov. 2013. I was running dedicated reefer, LTL to Phoenix, Az. and Ontario, Ca. for over five years with them. Would back haul produce from Ca. and Az., alot of Nogales, to Philly Produce Market and Sweedsboro, NJ.

Want to run dedicated reefer, preferably Ohio to southern California and back. Will run anywhere back to far east coast including Huntspoint Produce Market Bronx, NY. Have driven for small fleets with strong power units.

Looking to drive for an O/O or small fleet with O/O spec'd equipment with 500 to 550 hp engines, if theres anymore left.

These small Mom and Pop outfits are few remaining and becoming an endangered species like dinosaurs. I have and always will have a strong passion and desire to do this type of long haul trucking.

I enjoy taking care of anyones truck for them. Will have truck maintained on the road for oil service, lubes, and reefer PM's on time for someone that doesn't use there own shop. Always deliver ONTIME without cargo claims, I provide First Rate Service.

Can't afford to by my own truck, wish I had an opportunity. Anyone know of anyone running solo company drivers, FULL TIME, with this type of operation, please email to Dave (Wildcat) at life8650@aol.com Will provide any interested parties with my full name, contact phone number, and resume.

Reside currently in Cuyahoga Falls, Oh. but willing to relocate for the right fit. Still single, no wife, no kids, able to do this for someone with no restrictions. Good Luck and plenty of safe miles to all fellow drivers.

I hope some time soon we all find what we are looking for.

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Feb 16, 2018
Terribly manufactured NEW
by: Anonymous

Parts of this are plageurized.

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