New to the road

Just looking to find advice. My husband just finished school and has not even got his cdl yet & i am trying to prepare for whats to come.

Between the both of us we have 4 kids 3 are mine and 1 his . My 2 oldest are last yr high school. My youngest has autism and adhd. His daughter was just given to him by the court system full custody.

If that's not hard enough. know he is getting ready to find a job and don't know were and for how long.

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Aug 04, 2012
Roll with the punches
by: Anonymous

Because you have a lot coming, so you must learn that it is not easy this trucker life, and you know what, it is not easy with any life?? It is not written anywhere that life will be easy as a matter of fact.

You have a hand full with a disabled child and then a new child that you will be taking care of. My personal view and it doesn't count anyhoo, is how can he leave you with a new child when you already have so much to handle??

He is the one who gained full custody not you, but you will be the one who will be having to deal with the full custody?? It just doesn't make any sense to me. But then again what a lot of people do now a days makes little or no sense to me anymore.

So here is a list for what to be prepared for, that you asked about:

He will be gone on very long trips if he is OTR.

The trips could last as long as 3 months maybe more, to as little as 1 week?

Very seldom though until he gets hired on as an experienced driver, it takes experience to navigate the right to only work 1 week at a time like try 5 or more years!!!

He will be stuck sometimes where he will have no reception. OH so what will you do if his child ends up sick and needs to see a doctor, who will you call??

Cell phone time is good most of the time you can talk with him a lot. I guess?? Who will take care of your disabled child while you do this all the time?? Or even have an accident while your on the phone?? That should cut your phone time in half.

You cant go on the road with him who will take care of your disabled child and his child if you try that one??

There is laundry to be done and packed for his next LONG trip, and he will need some good food too so there will be meal planning and shopping for that next LONG trip.

There will be bills that need to be paid so you will become the Accountant in the family, receipts that need to be filed, finding the right tax man to help with the taxes.

Or he will end up on the IRS ten most wanted list!

mmmmmm there is more but only by request, I am tired just thinking about the rest!! AAAGGGHHHH

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