My partner doesn't support my decision to become a truck driver.

by Sarah

No story to tell yet, although I do have experience on the road. My ex was a trucker and I had my permit for 6 month a long time ago.

But anyway, I've been in my current relationship for almost 5 years and I've got the itch to get my CDL and do it by myself. I've pondered over it for about 2 years now.

First and last time I brought it up, he said no way, he doesn't want me to be gone for such a long time. And I'm sure there's other reasons why as well. I'm helping him raise his 2 kids cuz their mother isn't in the picture.

I just turned 40 recently and feel like I've not done anything with my life that I'VE wanted to do. It's always been on someoNE else's terms.
Guess I'm just looking for some advice on how to handle this.

Do I just forget about it even though it's on my mind constantly? Is this something I'm meant to do for myself?

Thanks for your time. Lots of love to you all. Stay safe!

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Apr 30, 2019
I'm doing it!
by: Sarah

I am starting school next month for Steven's Transport! I'm very excited, beyond words.
Thanks to yall for responding. Wish me luck on my new adventure!!


Nov 06, 2018
Decision time..... NEW
by: Jimmy

YOU fit into his life perfectly ( mom to his kids, wife, etc) but, he doesn't fit into your life, obviously. At 40, you're feeling like life is passing you by, right ?

So, if your relationship is rock solid, this will be a hard decision for you. If you decide to pursue your "dream" hubby may walk away.

Good luck to you. Keep us posted. Jimmy

Nov 02, 2018
CDL - go for it! NEW
by: Anonymous

You only live once! Go for the CDL and enjoy a new career. Men in relationships do this all the time, so women can do the same.
Jim Palmer Trucking - is refrigerated and has a good cdl school.
CFI - is dry van and also has a good cdl school.
Do some research on both these companies and also call the companies and ask about their cdl school.
Enjoy your new career and freedomd!

Nov 01, 2018
What Is The Current Plan
by: Hervy

Sarah it seems like a tuff position to be in.

First thing I would do is talk about the future plans for the relationship. If you are not on the same page that might tell you right there that you should pursue your personal goals instead of regretting not doing so.... for what???

If you both are on the same pade about the future of the relationship, Ask for specific reasons he doesnt want you to do it.

See if you can work out a solution that satisfies each concern.

For example, being gone cor weeks at a time doesnt have to last the entire career. Plus the career doesnt have to last the entire relationship.

If hes working thats a logistics issue im sure if you're helping with kids. If he's not then its his kids and he can take care of them while you get experience so you can drive regionally or something.

Plus he can ride after training with the right company. Time your entry so you get 6 months experience at the summer time when kid not in school.

What ever the specific issues are, see if you can logically and practically counter them with how/when you start your career.

Other than that, just make sure you're not dismissing you desires for a pipe dream of the relationship.

If the relationship's future is promising (serious, commitment, marriage, etc.) then it means a more serious decision.

If the relationship is not promising (fling, temporary, just sex, childcare help,etc.) it would be silly for you to not pursue your personal goals/dreams.

Many women look back on life and regret having not done x... due to prioritizing a relationship with a man who wasnt even serious about the relationship.

Just make sure that wont be you. A wise man once said trust but verify. Ask where do you see us 5 years from now.

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