mr. mike thomas

by michale thomas
(ozark arkansas franklin 72949)

i was out drinking a local bar and had a little to much to drink and was about to leve when this guy came up to and started a fight with me we traded punches and he lift and went and got ball point hammer and swun at me with it and missed me with it and like i said i was drunk and was not thinking clear and went after him in my truck and i thought it was him the vical and use my to hit the car in front of me and it turn out to be the wrong car and the poeple in the car had little kid in the car and was scared and ran a way and when i got home i called the polices on myself.

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Sep 17, 2010
mr. mike thomas
by: Dennis Shipman

Okay, you made a mistake, owned up to it, and served your punishment, what is your point?

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