Misdemeanor paraphernalia and drug abuse! Plus criminal trespassing.

by Chuck

So the title says it all! 2 to 3 years ago i got a ticket and had to go to court for criminal trespassing on a state park.

Friends had dirt bikes riding in a hunting reserve as a game warden swooped us up and gave us all tickets.

I went to court pleaded guilty which i was and paid the 150$ fine. Now 2014 of march i was pulled over by a state highway patrol and had a cigar in my fathers truck from either friend's or my pot head cousins who beg him to use the truck when they move from place to place.
He asked to search me so i let him knowing i was clean. Boy was i wrong.He searched me, found nothing. Asked to search the truck i agreed. he found weed on the passenger side floorboard under the seat and some seeds. I was hit with 2 tickets. one for paraphernalia which was the cigar and one for possession of marijuana.
He asked if i ever smoked weed and i told him no i want my CDL lisence which is true, but honestly i have done it in the past and i do not look forward to trying or going back.
The thing is, when you look at my record there is paraphernalia and drug abuse which makes it look worse on me! :(

My cousin josh who is a lawyer helped me with this in court and got the paraphernalia dismissed and the drug abuse as a no plea but they still show up, i still paid 150$ and its still on my record. I am planning on when i get a chance to have them either sealed or expunged.

I currently reside in columbus, Ohio.

So my question is, should i even give this a try now? Should i wait a year or so? Or wait till i can get this off my record? I rather go now if i can, i want to make it to retirement early! Cheers

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Jun 26, 2014
Realistic expectation NEW
by: Hervy

Chuck, more than likely finding a trucking job with the fresh drug charge won't happen.

You should continue to map out your plans for early retirement and the steps necessary to make that a reality.

Excellent goal to have!

In a year, you should find it easier to get hired.

Meanwhile, you can still study for and obtain your CDL. A community college program would likely be most cost effective and strategic.

Last but not least. This is an opinion. It shouldn't stop you from calling around and see what type of response you get first hand from trucking companies.

Try Carolina Cargo and others recommended at the bottom of this page Trucking jobs for felons

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