
by Mil
(New Jersey)


I'm married to a seasoned trucker who is an owner/operator tanker driver. We have two grown sons (one just got married), and one little furry four legged girl named Cleo :).

I work full time and am in grad school, so I'm pretty busy. But never to busy to ride with my husband when I have time off :).

I don't have any friends or family that have husbands in trucking, so I don't have anyone to talk about regarding this lifestyle.

I can't wait to chat with other wives that understand. Glad to be here!!

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Jun 16, 2012
Welcome! :) NEW
by: Helonwheels

Hi Ms. Mamapie,

Glad to meet you! I am in college and work part time. Well full time really, I also handle the business portion of my husbands trucking job. Our children are grown and 2 with families of their own and one just graduated High School and will be attending college in the Fall.

Life is good to some of us and on this site and I have read and responded to some not so happy situations. I do believe some of the situations are not just prone to the trucking lifestyle but can be found in any job lifestyle. Therefore, cannot be solely blamed on truckers themselves.

Problems within relationships happen everywhere. I think sometimes truckers get a bad rap as well as their wives.

If you have read some of those posts let me know what you think or feel?

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