Made a huge mistake and ready to move forward in Colorado Springs

by Mitchell
(Colorado Springs Co.)

Looking for anybody who may know a company that will give a driver a second chance. i lost my job after giving a post accident urine analysis that was dirty o made a huge mistake.

I wasn't under the influence while I was driving I have two daughters at home. I still am trying to come up with cash for sap program. I am desperate and will take anything. My truck was only involved no other vehicles involved.

I never had a late load in the year that I drove. I am dedicated to driving please help, thank you

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Mar 07, 2017
jobs 4 felons
by: Anonymous

If you have a felony, try these transport salt lake city Utah,critical cargo Hillsboro ohio,carolina cargo rock hill S.Carolina,kllm Lancaster texas,melton,kold trans salt lake city ready to put up with a lot of #$#@# but after a year of experience it gets easier,

May 19, 2016
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comment I learned a valuable lesson i really did just made a mistake in judgement a costly one at that

May 13, 2016
Maybe this will help
by: Steve @ Banning Forklift Services

Apparently there ARE companies that will hire drivers that have run afoul of the law. This webpage not only has a list of the companies, but also what conditions the companies will hire under:

My only advice otherwise, Mitchell, is to be humble with your prospective employer and stop using whatever substance got you busted - if you are concerned that much about your family you need to make a good example of sober living to your daughters.

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