letter from county about commercial vehicle parked at my house which is residential zone

by juan
(bakersfield, ca)

i received a letter from my county that i had a complaint against me for having two commercial vehicles on my property which happens to be a residential zone. they are wanting me to remove the vehicles even though my property is about an acre lot. can i do something to keep them on my property. Ive lived there for about four years now and i havent had a problem.

Comments for letter from county about commercial vehicle parked at my house which is residential zone

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Jul 21, 2015
Remove commercial trucks...
by: Anonymous

You must be in Kern County and I think Bakersfield in the county seat so you would have the county administrative offices there in Bakersfield. Juan, go down to the county office and see someone there that will explain the zoning codes to you, the codes that prohibit you from having commercially licensed trucks on your property.

Apparently, the size of your property doesn't matter. My guess is this, you can park your trucks on commercially zoned or agricultural zoned property but not on residential.

You need clarification and you need to make it clear to them that you only park them there that you are not loading or unloading or operating a business from your property.

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