Lack of time and attention

by Cortney

I am the living supportive and faithful type of trucker wife. My man is gone for 3 weeks and home for 3 days.

Its hard, but i support him and stand by him. Unfortunately I'm at a cross road. When he is home its seem like he never wants to spend personal time with me. Its always us and his friends.

I've tried talking and letting him know how i feel but he says its not fair to him. I'm at a breaking point of feeling neglected and pushed to the back burner. When is enough

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Jan 21, 2018
Is This Different
by: Hervy

Was it different before he went OTR trucking? Has he always been like that? Ages?

Tell him its not fair to you for no compromise. Sometimes do it his way and sometimes yours. Simplist solution i see from here.

I know a few guys or did when i was younger who always had friends and girlfriend around. Know women who were similar. Wanted boyfriend there with her and girlfriends.

These people tend to have a selfish streak in them and only see things from their perspective. People I still k ow have grown out of that

This was in our 20's.

One important thing to are desired to be around. Thats a good thing. Some women actually have guys that dont want them around and just rather spend time with their 'friends'.

Until you get him to be less self absorbed....make sure not to be left out all together. Be happy while there.

Maybe invite some of you best friends as well and spend you time catching up with them.

I would see if he will agree to some couples coaching.

Also ask him what his plans for your relationship are. Also ask him is he comfortable being alone with you.

But if its always been like this he will likely grow out of it. If it wasnt like this when he started trucking as you move through more serious stages of the relationship which are more demanding this will likely subside. (Hopefully.)

Ideally though you want to see if you can get him to couples coaching and talk about this. Prior to kids. Needs not to be selfish by then.

Good Luck Cortney!

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