Just started talking to bf thats a trucker and Im lonely please help.

by Laura

We have been dating a couple weeks now but known each other for about 6 months. I completly support him with work and understand I cant see him all the time its just sometimes we can go days without talking and I feel unwanted. There no consistency in our communication and he just started training new drivers so its only gotten worse. I just keep wondering if he just busy talking to other females or is he just really busy???? Help please.

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Sep 22, 2015
by: Anonymous

If your lonely get a pet...and I don't say this to be mean either. I finally broke down and adopted a car.. Adopted pets are the best!!

She is so sweet and greets me with little cat kisses every time I come home from work..when I'm bored so is she it's great timing because she needs the attention since she is home alone all day... She sure ended up being a lot of fun to fill the hours while my trucker is away...

I take a lot of funny pictures of her she's quit the ham and then I send them to him he cracks up all the time and can't believe a car can really be trained!! Well good luck.

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