is it too late to become a truck driver at age 65 ?

by Bob Smith
(OK City, OK)

and learn how to drive a truck? What will be my chances of being hired and what will be the expense of learning and getting a license to drive a truck?

Response: Bob, the reality is that not a lot of trucking companies will hire someone your age, especially with no experience.

To be sure though, call trucking companies and hear what they have to say. Oklahoma City is about the best place you can be to hope for an open door.

The best bet is to see if any of the people you know, knows anyone who is in the position to hire a driver.

I know plenty of guys your ages that could take it on. My father is older and could probably drive if he wanted to.

But you know how that goes, the companies and their insurance people don't know you or your condition so there are all types of preferences and restrictions to cover their risks.

If you do get a bit, the community college out there will be the cheapest way.

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Jun 01, 2012
Go for it!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Go for it! Follow your dreams.

If you can drive legally, have a clean driving record, perfect eyesight, no drug raps etc.... and you have no medical conditions that would stop you from driving long haul you can drive!

We have age discrimination in this country and you know what else centurions are the fastest growing population in this nation, which means people are working at an older age now more than ever even well into their 80's!!

I will agree with Hervy, the friend of a friend theory, who already works in the industry is always a big help!

Good Luck! :)

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