im tired


Ok my husband is an otr truckers, comes home once every 5 to 6 weeks. He tells me he loves me and he could cheat out there if he wishes to because I would never know, but he chooses not to because its not worth losing what he has at home.

Thing is when he comes home about every other time we don't have sex. He knows I want to but he does not make a move and when we do I'm the one who starts it. I'm a faithful wife and I work, keep our 2 kids straight and clean the house.

I am tired of waiting he wont open up to me about feeling as most men. when he is home he also feels that he isn't to do anything around the house like he is off for 5 to 9 days and that's it he is off. No cutting grass, fixing anything that's broke or even pick up his dirty clothes off the floor.

What am I to do?

Is he cheating?

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Jun 04, 2012
Not a little boy pretending to be a man with an opinion but, a real life wife. NEW
by: Dixie

Talk to your man. You cannot save a marriage with a closed mouth.

May 11, 2012
i am right there too NEW
by: Anonymous

I truly understand what you are going though. I really hope taht he is not cheating, but my husband is gone 5 to 6 weeks too and he sis have an yes he was cheating and it was all there i just didnt want to see it. We would fight like crazy and didnt seam very instrested in seeing me when he came close so we could meet or let me go with for a short time. He came up with every excuse for everything and lie he told me and sometimes when he came home he didnt want me either. I am a faithful wife to him but it has been rough exspecaliy now that I no longer can work. I dont know if your husband is cheating but I heard all of the same all too. I pray that he is not there is just to much stds out there. talk to him be honest and if it feels like a lie it probly is. I wish you nothing but happiness.

May 11, 2012
i am right there too NEW
by: Anonymous

I truly understand what you are going though. I really hope taht he is not cheating, but my husband is gone 5 to 6 weeks too and he sis have an yes he was cheating and it was all there i just didnt want to see it. We would fight like crazy and didnt seam very instrested in seeing me when he came close so we could meet or let me go with for a short time. He came up with every excuse for everything and lie he told me and sometimes when he came home he didnt want me either. I am a faithful wife to him but it has been rough exspecaliy now that I no longer can work. I dont know if your husband is cheating but I heard all of the same all too. I pray that he is not there is just to much stds out there. talk to him be honest and if it feels like a lie it probly is. I wish you nothing but happiness.

May 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

That man really said that. So we should all safely assume he's just fat and nasty and can't get none unless he pays for it. He probably personally knows every lot lizard throughout the US and I would hate to think how many diseases he is carrying with him. Some people are just so ignorant. If you love your husband tell him how you feel and your concerns but make sure you let him know that you mean business and that these are issues that need to be talked about and dealt with so they don't fester and grow. Sex is a wonderful thing but truly it's not the basis of a relationship. If all other parts of your relationship are still good then I wouldn't worry to much

May 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

That man really said that. So we should all safely assume he's just fat and nasty and can't get none unless he pays for it. He probably personally knows every lot lizard throughout the US and I would hate to think how many diseases he is carrying with him. Some people are just so ignorant. If you love your husband tell him how you feel and your concerns but make sure you let him know that you mean business and that these are issues that need to be talked about and dealt with so they don't fester and grow. Sex is a wonderful thing but truly it's not the basis of a relationship. If all other parts of your relationship are still good then I wouldn't worry to much

Apr 28, 2012
REALLY?? Honest opinion from a man?? NEW
by: Anonymous

Sounds like that man has REAL issues.. There are GOOD faithful men out there.

Sounds to me like this idoit is a lonely old truck driver, been on the road way too long.

And too you and your hubby.. Yes who wants to come home and have sex right when he walks in.. He wants to relax and not think about anything. It is Very stressful being a truck driver and he will show you how much he loves you in other ways..just be open minded and look for them..

I had this issue too, but it took getting adjusted for us both to get connected again.. it wasn't about being unfaithful..

Apr 17, 2012
sex is line 4 NEW
by: TruckerYitz

so i guess your hubby is worried that any work around the house getts logged on line 4. and ditto for the sex.... but if you come on to him....its entertainment( a deductible expense ) lol.

Apr 13, 2012
Wow.... an honest opinion? NEW
by: Anonymous

Where does this guy get off making assumptions with regards to how you might look?? He sounds like a real prize. Looking at his grammar also tells me a bit about how educated he is. He sounds like quite the statistician. lol... Don't listen to this clown. You know deep in your heart what the issues are and how to deal with them. You sound like you need the affirmation from others to make sense of how you feel. It's not an easy life being a truckers wife; the last thing my man thinks about after driving 14 hours is sex, it's about getting some sleep and a decent meal. I also think that depression and anxiety about finances cause issues with a man's libido. You two really need to find the cause, perhaps a counsellor can help.

Apr 11, 2012
I trust my man! NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't worry, Tired. That "honest opinion from a man" is just that. And opinion. And you know what they say about opinions. ;)
He can only relate his experience and what he's like because that's all he knows. And he probably doesn't what to admit that there's many faithful men out there because what that makes him look like in comparison.
Is your man cheating? Only he knows. But I wouldn't start doubting him unless he gives you undeniable proof.
Look to how he treats you, not necessarily his libido.

Apr 11, 2012
full of crap NEW
by: Anonymous

LOL that's so full of shit if I ever heard of such..I have 9 and 12 year old boys and between having 2 jobs and taking care of my boys and making sure they get to ball practice and games there is no time to sit and eat bon bons all day. So no I'm not fat at all. But hey thanks for the encouraging

Apr 11, 2012
Honest opinion from a man, no spinning.. NEW
by: Anonymous

If you had 2 kids you probably fat, sorry to say that,but why does he need you? If he can go to a massage parlor with a happy ending, those chinese women on their twenties are just wonderful, 50% of the marriages fail, 25% are married because of kids, or are afraid to be alone etc, % only 25% really work, so you are just a victim of statitics.

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