I'm located in Ville Platte, La with 5 months exp.

by Altremayne Guillory
(Ville Platte, La)

I was driving for company called CRST well I drove for them three months they had me sign a contract for.33cpm but had me driving solo until I found out I was only being paid.21cp. after them I drove for PTL FOR TWO MONTHS UNTIL CRST CALLED SAYING LET ME GO OR WE WILL SUE CAUSE EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT WORKING FOR THEM I'M STILL ON CONTRACT

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May 24, 2018
Read the contract you signed
by: Hervy

Find out it there is a way to legally end the contract. If they're doing that you might want to make a legit seperation. (Or just ask them how to end the contract)

If they really did under pay you based on contract then you might have grounds for leaving. If the contract is worded in such a way that you're current pay is correct and an increase comes after certain amount of time or something you might need to pay for training to break the contract legally.

If thats the case better to just pay so they stop interrupting harassing you. If you can get a lawyer you might want to see if whats is happening legal.

I dont know. Good luck and let us know how thia turns out.

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