i need CDL Stick Shift Truck for CDL ROAD Test

by Atagun
(Philadelphia , PA)

Hi, the last step for a Class B license.

Pemit (OK. I passed)
Pre-Trip Inspection (OK. I passed)
Air-Brake (OK. I passed)
Skill Test (OK. I passed)

Because I did not know. "Automatic transmission truck" when I got into the road test. CDL B can be used only with automatic transmission vehicles. I recently learned it.

Stick Shift CDL truck I need to take the exam. But I can not find such a vehicle to rent.

Exam day is not yet clear. CDL Truck Stick Shift who want to rent me. I would be glad if you help if one knows.

Testing Location in Philadelphia


Thank you.

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Aug 09, 2016
why not go to a truck sales lot... NEW
by: Anonymous

act really interested...

they'll take your license at face value

Go out for a drive and get through the gears

Or, go to a company where you know someone, maybe even the recruiter... tell him you wanna drive around the yard

Lots of options...

Renting sounds the most feasible, but that will be difficult, plus, they want you to rent for a month usually

Sounds like you are a pretty resourceful guy

Offer to drive for someone.... no pay

Let them just kick back.... sit in the passenger seat, jump in the sleeper..

I'm remembering back to when I started, but it was pretty long ago. I did all of these things I mentioned, but I also grew up between 3 truck stops...

Good luck to ya

Aug 09, 2016
Answer to reply NEW
by: Atagun

Hey , You are right. but this is not a problem for me. I use a full 14 years of stick shift vehicle. video or learn from me I do not need lessons from anyone. I just find problems rent stick shift vehicle. Thanks.

Aug 08, 2016
Take a drive... NEW
by: Anonymous

... to the nearest truckstop this weekend.

Most of the guys sitting there will be laying over. Find a way to talk to someone, even if you have to go into the lounge.

Whip out your wallet and tell them your dilemma.

If I were sitting there with my rig, I would gladly take you out for a little drive, but not before I gave you some verbal instruction. I wouldn't want you to damage my transmission.

This is what I would do if I were in your shoes.

Good luck... pay well.

Let him drive first and video tape him on your Smartphone. Take some time to review, ask questions, and then take your turn.

Be smooth, be cool, don't get all nervous.. he will probably shift without the clutch. You can learn that later. It will come naturally.

Apply the learning process... pretend that you want to learn to play the guitar. What would you do? Find the nearest instructor, right?

Youtube videos may be of little help, but not nearly as much as "hands-on"

Get back to me and let me know how it goes.

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