I did my time, let me live my life.

by martin
(chinquapin n.c.)

I will be graduating cdl school in dec.2011. I have called numerous driving companys looking for a job. At 17 I was charged and pled guilty of 2nd degree murder. I shot my mother by accident but was on drugs and was scared and lied to the cops.

When I told them the truth they didn't beleive me. I did 13 years in prison. I've been out 2 years. No parole or anything.I have a 7 month old little boy, I go to church and I don't do any type of drugs.

I just need someone to give me an opportunity. My e-mail is martinhouston45@yahoo.com.

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Sep 26, 2011
Life Beyond the Drama/Trama
by: Hervy

Sorry about what has occurred Martin,

I hope things lighten up for you soon. Glad to see your clean now man. Keep your head up and just keep looking. Pray for an open door.

Meanwhile get out and meet people man. Network like crazy. Don't know where your going to trucking school at but you need to make a good impression and try to get referrals from them there.

Seems your from a small town, but there are some trucking companies that do regulars runs out that way. MBM is out in Rocky Mount and Tyson runs near you somewhere and in Wilson there are a few trucking companies, Barnes is one you can check with (252) 291-8282 good people I used to haul a lot of tractors for them.

I know Tyson is hiring experienced drivers right now, but don't know about fresh out of trucking school

In any case,

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