How will this affect my dac report?

by Jay

Back in 2006, I was hired by TMC, While at home with the truck, my son had some serious health issues, and I felt I needed to stay home.

After 1 week TMC came and got their truck, they had sent someone local to drive it back to the Indy yard. I was not able to get back to them for a couple of months. They would not offer me another job after that period.

Will hurt me looking now for another trucking job. I only got about 3 months of experience. Thanks for your input.

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Jan 13, 2010
Will abondoning a truck affect my DAC Report
by: Hervy

Hello Jay,

I wish you would have gotten here to the site quicker. Hate you had problems with your son and hope he is alright now. A lot of people would have done what you did if your son was very ill.

When a person becomes a trucker he should understand that part of the job is to do with their equipment what they ask you to do if it is legal. Hopefully they will work with you on issues such as yours. If they did and it was an agreement for you to stay home and they would come get the truck you might be ok. Especially if the health problem was something that came up out of the blue.

Keep in mind though that even in that case they could do what they wanted to on your DAC even though that might not be fair because the argument is that if you knew they wasn't cool with it you would have driven instead of staying home.

Now if the situation was that your son already had a condition before becoming a truck driver and what happened was a result of that condition, you may not want to drive anyway because supposed you were not at home, supposed you were in California or somewhere. That company is not going to fly you home. It can't send every person home who says they have an emergency or it would never make money. Hopefully in truly serious situations it would make exceptions but a person should become a trucker thinking that it would happen automatically.

The problem is, when you park the truck anywhere other than it is authorized to be, it's called abandonment. Abandonment is one of the worst things a driver can do, and if you think about it from any company's standpoint you can see why.

If it is on your DAC report it will be ugly especially to anyone not willing to ask you questions about what happened. It's best you get your DAC report and see if it is on there and send in an explanation of what happened so that an employer may give you the benefit of doubt when they see why you stayed home with their truck.

Here is how to get your DAC report and correct it.

Good luck.

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