How to Provide Healthy Food to Truckers

by Marco
(Chicago, IL, USA)

Hello Truckers,

First, I would like to say that I truly respect and admire all you men and women truckers for doing a very hard job and providing every citizen and business with the products we need and enjoy every day. Thank you.

Secondly, I am not a trucker at all, though I know what it's like to perform jobs that take a toll on your body and mind.

I've dealt with herniated discs in my cervical spine for 20 years due to construction work when I was in my 20s, but I manage it as best I can and still enjoy most activities.

I also know that trucking and bus driving is statistically one of the most detrimental and dangerous jobs to one's health.

With this in mind, I would love to create a business wherein I could provide 100% healthy, clean (not processed) and delicious meals to truckers at affordable prices within a trucker's meal budget.

I am an accomplished, knowledgeable cook who knows how to create very healthy and tasty meals and I'm versed in making foods from a variety of cuisines and cultures.

I personally believe a Mediterranean diet is healthiest. I suppose I'm a testament to this; I'm 45 years old, 5' 9" and weight 148 lbs. What I don't know is how to get this food efficiently to truckers.

I've wracked my brain in an attempt to come up with a solution, but I can't come up with any idea that isn't flawed.

How do I compete with truck stops and fast food places on well-traveled trucking routes? I thought about a food truck but where and how would I find a legal place to locate it that is easily accessible to truckers?

That said, I am asking you, the truckers, for any and all suggestions. I welcome all feedback and suggestions. No idea is stupid, no matter how simple it may be. In fact, is is the simple ideas that are often the best.

Thanks in advance.

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Sep 05, 2023
by: James Casteel

As a trucker who desires to swirl a Mediterranean diet, I can tell you what we need. We need Mediterranean diet meals that are already prepared and frozen that we can heat up in a microwave.

May 07, 2015
Trucker health NEW
by: Anonymous

Honestly, if you could pick the most crossed path by truckers. Start there for best $$$ and number of truckers finding out about it then you could expand and listen to the old timers, but honestly most of us are trying to save money and pack food. If you could make something that lasts 3-4 days or more. I bet we might be more interested. Maybe also start online throw in a free meal for every so many people you told about it boom business and happy customers.

Jul 04, 2014
Food for the Road! NEW
by: Anonymous

I know this isn't the Answer you want, but I am a Truck Driver, and I love to cook. My problem is I don't know what to fix, or How to keep it good for a long period of time in nothing more than a electric Colman Cooler. Some kind of Meal Plan, or Cook Book would be Great!

Jul 04, 2014
Food for the Road! NEW
by: Anonymous

I know this isn't the Answer you want, but I am a Truck Driver, and I love to cook. My problem is I don't know what to fix, or How to keep it good for a long period of time in nothing more than a electric Colman Cooler. Some kind of Meal Plan, or Cook Book would be Great!

Oct 26, 2012
This is a hard to question to answer NEW
by: Anonymous

I am sure that you are having a hard time trying to get this business off the ground! Since most trucker's eat on the go. Your idea is a nice way to help out trucker's to have a better choice of food, to sustain a healthier lifestyle.

The problem is how will you reach the trucker's nation wide? Most truck drivers travel nationwide! There is a clue within these statements.

I would think you can start off small, design a menu, selections of your choice, but keep it down to only minimal menu items. Since you are not yet sure how truckers will adapt to the Mediterranean food style of cooking. Then, maybe you can open a 1/2 dozen cafe's within the truck stops, to see how it works out.

I think fresh veggie's, and fruit are the way to go for these guys and gals. Reaching for healthy snacks vs. foods of convenience (like fast foods) are a better pick by far!

Good luck with your venture! :)

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