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Jun 13, 2016
The average right now 2016 about $48,000
by: Hervy

That isn't what you will get as a new driver though.

That is an average of new and experienced drivers. So with experience you could make 70, 80 or 90,000 dollars. All depends on what type of trucking job you get after experience.

As you can see there are a lot of variables.
The page where you can find more details
How much money to truckers make explained here

Oct 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

Simple answer - u can not - loads are priced so cheap that u can not make a profit doing dead head miles - most loads r so cheap that if u do more than 125 dead head miles (for next load) u actually lose money - many folks don't understand this and slowly go bankrupt one breakdown at a time . GLuck my friend

Oct 13, 2015
by: Anonymous

Tucking s a nice but hard job exact like and you can make a good salary by that. But this job need experience and struggle like any other job.

Jan 20, 2013
Real Way to Make Big Money in the Trucking Industry

IN 2010, according to the national transportation board, Swift Transportation company drivers avraged 37,700 per year. That is about 775 or more per week.

I drove for them for 8 years and decided to take a break. They are a great starting company, and actually, treat their employees decent.
I worked as company driver for 6 months, bringing home about 425.00 per week, then jumped into being a mentor.

By being a mentor, my salary almost doubled on slow weeks and more than doubled after 2 weeks with a student.

I then decided to make even more money, by being a lease operator, mentor students, then my average check, when mentoring student was between 1800 and 2800, depending on how bad and how good they drove.

I worked hard the first year with my lease truck, piling on lots of miles with my mentors and made about 140,000.00 dollars, wearing myself out.

Secret, SLOW DOWN, I drove 59 miles per hour, got my miles per gallon between 8.7 and 9.2 by not hauling anything over 30,000 lbs, not going in the mountains and turning down heavy loads.
Do not run a lease truck like a company driver, turn it down, dont go 150 empty miles to get a heavy load, or any load. It's not in your best interest.

By the end of the pay period, you will have your miles and bring home a decent check.
Being a lease operator, requires a about 750 dollars taken out of your check weekly.
Owner operators should be clearing 2000 per week if their truck is paid for, averaging 2500 miles weekly.

Lease operators should be clearing 1500 per week, only cause of the weekly lease payment, averaging 2500 miles weekly

I made 152,000 my 3rd year, 125,00 the 4th year, 135,000 and then came my 42,000.00 balloon payment at the end of my 4 year lease.

At the end of the 4 years, I paid the balloon payment off and the truck was my free and clear.
The 5th year, 6th and 7th year averaged about 90,000.00 per year. I stopped training, stopped working half as much and started to enjoy life. I live comfortable, worked about 8 to 9 months per year after I paid off my truck.

I hired a driver on a 50/50 split, actually 3 different drivers in a year and one half. They kept my truck in Swift, so it can stayed grandfathered in because of its age.

I took a year and 1/2 off and recently decided to go back to work. I talked to my old manager, and got the DOT physical passed I start work in a few days.

Good Luck to anyone and everyone in the trucking industry.



Oct 20, 2012
page that covers truckers pay
by: Hervy

How much money to truckers make explained here

Aug 09, 2012
by: Anonymous


Dec 10, 2011
The irate trucker
by: Anonymous

i work for swift trucking. starting truckers are
lucky to make 1500 a month. 2000 if you have a good dm.

I know a trucker who takes one load after another 7 days a week and he says he will make
30000 this year.

The profession is filled with lies, rude employees who talk down to the drivers, and keep you sitting in a terminal for 2 days at a time. This is the truth coming from someone who has worked their for 6 months.

You are in the truck 7 days a week, a low paid slave who can't find another job.

They take 100 a week from paycheck
for training.

Jun 20, 2009
Capt Dave wants a new challenge.
by: Jimmy

Well, are you sure your a fisherman in Alaska? I know all the fisherman up there, Capt Sig, Capt Phil, Jonathan and Andy. Seen 'em all on "Deadliest catch". Just messin' with you,Dave.

As Hervy says, it can be done. ($50k) for 8 months. BUT, there are requirements. You need a truck/trailer, authority, insurance, back-up money. You already have knowledge of the lifestyle with being a fishing boat Capt.

Investigate and see where you want to operate. Alaska/Canada only or the lower 48 or the Dalton or ???. Would you consider a year round operation with a hired hand to drive for 4 months while you go fishing?

The extra income would be nice,right? Just some thoughts for you to consider. Jimmy

Jun 17, 2009
From Captain of the Sea to Professional Trucker
by: Hervy

What's happening Captain Dave. Sounds exciting man.
How did you end up becoming a fisherman so young?

Well, I assume you have a pretty decent nest egg set aside. As long as you have the money to invest man you can definitely set yourself up to make $50,000 running only 8 months.

You will have to specialize to do it though. Regular freight might not give you the return you want unless you know some shippers and receivers at companies that will grant you direct contract.

Household or Oversized hauling is what you probably want to get into. The profit margin is a lot higher. You can run hard for the 8 months and probably make that $50,000 you want.

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