Hazmat and Tankers Endorsements with a pending felony charge

by La Fiammia
(Choctaw, OK U.S.A.)

My question is, would I still be eligible to obtain a Hazmat and Tankers Endorsement on my current CDL Class A if I have a pending felony charge of Domestic Violence?

I reside in Oklahoma and I wanted to make sure before taking the next step to attend classes and spending money to something I don't know I am even eligible for.

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Jan 15, 2014
Felony and Hazmat NEW
by: Hervy

The TSA website doesn't mention felony Domestic violence as a disqualifier for being approved for your hazmat during threat assessment.

However, they doesn't mean that they will overlook what happened and grant approval either. There is an appeal process if you are not approved.

Here is a list of the automatic qualifiers


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