Feeling Lonely

by Mikayla Hokey
(Laurel, IN )

Lonely, unwanted, not, enough, scared, mad, upset and everything in between. I'm the type of wife who needs that constant attention. I crave it. Never expected my husband which I just married on Dec.4,2015 to be gone what seems like forever.

I don't think the whole truckers wife thing is something I can do. Just the thought of him being gone 24/7 sucks. Makes me wonder why we got married? Makes me wonder why he doesn't wanna be home with me and son. I just don't know... This really sucks!!!!

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Dec 20, 2015
Have You Planned The Future Out
by: Hervy

I think it would be helpful to have a heart to heart conversation about the plans for you marriage in 5 years.

What are the goals for the marriage?

This will help you two both work toward the same specific goal. Which means you actually think out what needs to be done in order to change the situation if that is desired.

It helps you to really think about your actions today to make sure you are doing things in line with your goals.

Some of the goals might be.....

...to have a strong relationship with each other?

So that would mean doing what now in order for it to be stronger. So it requires being intentional to make it stronger...(behavior, actions, etc.)

...to have x dollars in savings and/or start investment accounts.

that would mean setting aside a certain amount now each pay period for that specific purpose.

...to have him driving locally or doing something else so that he can be home to start family

that might mean looking each day after a year for local jobs. It also means being proactive to keep driving record clean

...to be able to switch careers.

that might mean get training while on the road. Correspondence courses or online courses might be smart. Studying and researching is free using the internet as well.

you get the picture.

This one on one would be the perfect time for you to communicate your concern for the marriage. For a new couple in love enough to get married, it seems that both of you should care about meeting each other's needs.

If you make him aware of your feelings about him being gone and you can map out something better together then dealing with it right now should be much easier.

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