Failed a pre-employment drug screen 4 marijuana

by terry
(reno nv usa)

I have been a otr driver for 24 yrs. I have a unblemished driving record no accidents more safety awards than u can shake a stick at and a few times n my carrier i have been a trainer.

I took 5 months off when my mother died so i wasn't working. I smoked marijuana for about 2 weeks, b4 that it had been 20 yrs. I waited 45 days b4 going back to work but failed the drug screen.

I know about the dot required s.a.p substance abuse program required, but i checked with a few trucking companies and their policy is noway jose.

I am asking if anyone knows if there are trucking companies out there willing to hire a driver who failed a drug screen but completed the dot required s.a.p .

I need 2 get back on the road. Any info would b appreciated.

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Jun 29, 2018
Same boat NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey I'm in the second boat. My husband was very ill and almost died I was in a car accident and prior to him getting sick and I was in a dark place I smoked to ease my pain and keep me from doing something to myself. Please understand what it feels like to watch your spouse of over 10 years dying and no matter what you did it didn't help and the Drs didn't help either.I was in so much pain I couldn't get out of bed not bathe myself, I was in a dark place and it was a stupid decision. I waited at least 45days and I admit I don't drink water at all. I failed and feel like a ass because I let alcohol make me do some thing worse then that. I am trying to get in with a company that was hiring us as a team but now I'm not sure what will happen. On top of all this we are homeless and need this job. What Happened to you guys.pray it got better.

Sep 10, 2016
Me too NEW
by: Anonymous

This near identical thing happened to me. Don't know the ramifications of this. Wasn't driving for three months and partook a few times. Failed a pre employment. The company still wants me but trying to find out a few things. Can I take another after time gets me clean? Does this affect my safety record due to I was not driving or employed? He knows I am a good driver and I used to work w him in the past. A guy w athouraty and an empty truck. He wants me in it but is this not possible now or am I done? Any advise? What have you found out in your situation?

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