Everyday life of a truckers wife

Well my husband works for an independent company...who will remain nameless....because we have issues with the owner who won't pay in a timely manner.

Between us we have 5 kids, thankfully only one at home. I also work full time. So I have to negotiate babysitters, pick ups from school, paying all the bills and get to work on time on a daily basis.

It gets really frustrating when the owner of the truck owes my husband money and it's like pulling teeth to get it. Would love to turn him into someone (organization) if I knew who to contact.

I have to go to the food bank weekly just to feed our child, but I bet his bills get paid. My husband busts his you know what...for what I'm wondering.

However my husband loves what he does, and has been a driver for many yrs. I would never think about asking him to find a new career, that just wouldn't be fair.

He would really love to have his own truck, but unfortunately due to divorces on both sides our credit won't allow for that at this time.

It's really hard not to put a lot of the frustration on him. But I'm a pretty independent person with a good amount of support which helps a great deal.

I do all I can to try and not stress him out while he is trying to support his family, however when bills start piling up, I have to speak up, or call his boss.

I really hate contacting his boss, but when I'm facing eviction because he hasn't paid my husband for his miles then I have to rear my ugly head as a mother supporting a child....DON'T MESS WITH MY KID AND THEIR STABILITY!!!! Not cool.

I truly love my husband and the fact that he sacrifices his time at home to support us, just wish his boss would pay him per load, weekly or at least consistently so I could do my job on this end.

Whew......enough said.

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May 12, 2012
taking the trucking company to task NEW
by: hervy

It is ridiculous for drivers to be treated like this. I hope there are plans underway to do something different.

Why can't he go to a better company?

Here is a link to that page to report trucking companies for running a shady operation.
reporting a trucking company

Also, if he is owed enough money contact an attorney.

As far as earning more money, in regards planning for the future, make sure you guys are taking steps now that will put you in the position you want to be later.

Better credit, owner op, etc.

For instance, you (if any interest) could get trained as a freight broker agent to bring in extra income. While you are learning this real well you guys could be saving and repairing the credit.

When the time is right, he could then buy a truck, get his authority and you get him freight.

Or maybe you just run a full time freight brokerage and he comes off the road all together.

Check out freight broker training

May 09, 2012
Hope This helps! NEW
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry to hear about the unjust and unprofessional manner you and your husband are forced to live with. Although your husband is an independent driver, his income is reported to the I.R.S. He does have legal recourse and it is up to him if he wants to utilize the system to be paid in a timely manner. Since his pay is reported on a 1099 (If this is your case?) he in fact is employed by the company that is typed into the 1099 form. I am not sure what state you are in, but here in California I sued the guy I worked for the amount he owed me but, also I was willing to lose my job, because who wants to live that way worrying about being paid by them or about paying bills on time anyway?. So basically if you decide to report him, you will actually prevent him from doing this to other people in the future. As for keeping that job forget it! There are company's out there who will treat you good you must locate them and in doing so Interview them too!

My husband works as an independent driver for many years and is paid in a timely manner each week and brings home an amount of close to 5,000.00 a month. I keep his records, pay the bills, pay the IRS and we live a nice life. You can too, if you keep to your guns and stand your ground.

I wish you much luck in your future! :)

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