Dot and Firearms

by BigJimBob

Will Dot or local PD contact employer if personal firearm is found in company's commercial vehicle during inspection or stop?

Current employers policy says no firearms.

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Dec 06, 2015
Maybe NEW
by: Anonymous

It would depend if the Officer was a Hoplophobic, Liberal, anti-gun bigot, scumbag. If the officer respects the citizenry's right to self defense and is actually concerned for your safety he won't tell your company. Most wont. But a dirty disgrace to the badge might...

Lots of Truckers carry guns and that rarely happens. Just obey Federal, State, County and Local Law and I am sure you will be fine.

There are companies that don't have no-gun policies (I hear Con-Way is one) and as long as you have 1 or 2 years experience driving I don't think you would have much of a problem finding a new job if they fired you for having a gun.

Many of the smaller companies (most pay better then the big ones anyways) may in fact be owned be die-hard gun-nuts who love the second amendment. If a fellow gun-nut finds out you got fired for having a gun it might make it more likely he would employ you.

I'd say keep carrying and if your company finds out and fires you then just get another job...especially if you have a couple years experience.

Save up your money so that if you are fired you can afford to wait until you get a new job.

Get a used minivan, toss out the back seats, put some blankets and a sleeping bag or a mattress in the back and wait until you get a new job (wait down south if it is winter). Its like living in a truck with a sleeper but with better gas mileage and it's easier to park. You can shower at the gym. (Anytime Fitness and Snap Fitness memberships should be cheaper then paying for showers at the truckstops anyways. $30-$40 a month).

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