Did a semi driver warn me about police?

by M.M.J

Background Info:

I am being tailed by cops who have been trying to bust me for smoking pot for the past year; they have had 24/7 surveillance on for the past 11 months. So at 2am I took a 2hr trip out of town on I88 to mess with them for following me.
Once I wanted to turn around to head home i decided to make a u turn bc the next exit was quite a ways away. So, I was waiting to make an illegal turn. It was obvious by my breaking and speed that I was slowing down the catch the next no Uturn spot to head back home.


That's when a semi driver began flashing his brights behind me; we were both in left lane. The trucker was not speeding and i had plenty of clearance time to turn around without disrupting his driving. But i thought he wanted to pass me quickly so I got back in the right lane and i was going to wait for the next UTURN after he passed. Then i got back into the right lane and the trucker followed got back behind me and flashed me twice more before he got back into left lane to pass me.

was I being warned not to make an illegal Uturn by the driver behind me and if so how would he know cops were following me? Can truckers hear whats going on over police radio? Did the driver know they were going to pull me over. Did he know they wanted to arrest/ticket me? Or that they dying to get probable cause on me? Or am i just making something out of nothing.

Do truckers warn cars about police?

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Jun 15, 2015
police tailing NEW
by: Anonymous

I hope you aren't driving while stoned...

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